WC3O – Bob
We have used the HamPlus 8X4 antenna switching system at Skyview Radio Society for over a year now. We purchased the switch from DX Engineering in Ohio. The switch has been a major benefit to our contesting efforts. It allows up to quickly compare between antennas. Changing band is now very fast and effortless. When we operate multi-single we can put one beam to EU, one to SA and one west. Makes switching directions during gray line a snap! The inter-station isolation has been great. No problems at all. At Skyview we do a lot of high power RTTY contesting. The switch never flinches. The SWR through the switch is great, even at 28 MHz. The lit buttons allow us to directly mark which button controls which antenna. Both DX Engineering and HamPlus have been very helpful with questions with quick responses. The system is a winner.
Bob Bastone
Radio Officer Skyview Radio Society K3MJW/W3GH
W7RN – Tom
We decided to buy the HamPlus equipment because we got such a great endorsement from my dear friend Oms, PY5EG. We absolutely could not be more pleased with the HAMPLUS equipment. It has been working flawlessly. [click for more]
Tom Taormina, K5RC
Comstock Memorial Station, W7RN
Storey County ARES, KS7AA

PY2YP – Cesar
I have two towers in my backyard holding four monobands, one WARC triband plus an inverted L for 160 meters. To keep all those antennas and rotators handy and ready I use one MBD-8E as band decoder, one AS-82 antenna switcher and one RW-34 as rotator switcher. This setup helps a lot to quick QSY for new band countries and contest multipliers. Being a QRO operator I looked for rugged hardware for automatically controlled operation so Hamplus was my choice.
Cesar, 73 DX de PY2YP

PP5AR – Renato
Here in my shack, the switch made by Hamplus simplified the operation allowing fast exchange of antennas with maximum trustworthiness. These switch are on 24 hours and it never presented any kind of malfunction or generating any interference. The signal of two radios with one linear amplifier (high power) and three antennas are on in it.
Renato, PP5AR

PY3AT – Vagner
I was always capricious with my ham radio equipment and accessories. The antenna switcher made by Hamplus is an equipment that deserves prominence for the finishing international standard and perfect functioning. It makes the interconnection of all my radios and antennas, all pass through it. In my opinion, if it is for having something on of my table, it needs to be excellent quality. If for this I need to keep money for some months I make it, but when I buy I want the better.
Vagner, PY3AT

PP5MS – Marcus
I have using four switcher´s AS4R made by Hamplus hardwired in cascade to establish connection and to change four antennas, two transceivers, a linear amplifier and a 50 ohms. With this configuration I quickly obtain any combination without exchange any cables.
Marcus, PP5MS

PP5ABG – Crestani
I am using the antenna switcher made by Hamplus for more than one year to change four antennas with easiness, efficiency and trustworthiness. I recommend.
Crestani – PP5ABG

PP5JD – Jaime
I have used for more than year one antenna switcher made by Hamplus. I am a contest operator, and use this switch with a linear amplifier and never had any kind of problem. I recommend, especially for hams that living in apartments because it is possible to use with remote control. With only one coaxial handle in descending and one cable for command, you can use up to 8 antennas on top of the building.
Jaime – PP5JD
PP5CFS – Celso

PP5CGD – Norberto

PY3HAM – Augusto