The WAC-600 is an intelligent controller compatible with all antenna switches manufactured by Hamplus and a few other manufacturers. . In addition to antenna switching, . There are four ways in which antennas can be selected; 1) manually by the front panel of the MBD-62, 2) manually by changing the frequency or band on the front panel of the transceiver, 3) automatically by frequency or band change by the remotely controlled transceiver, or 4) automatically by a connected personal computer via RS-232 serial port or LAN port with the MBD-62.
Wiring diagram exemples:
Connection diagram six radios and twelve antennas
Remote operation:
Printed from the screen of the ROS-12, the WAC-600 remote control software for PC
MBD-62 Instruction Manual
ROS-62 LAN Operation Guide
ROS-62 Remote Operation Software
MBD-62 Firmwere_V. 1.1.3